Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2011

For Rwanda speaking, two major national -85%

For Rwanda speaking, two major national -85%; and HuTuZu, not only in Rwanda exist, neighboring countries, such as Burundi, Uganda, and other countries, have -85% and HuTuZu. Left by the colonial nationalism, different ethnic division in different countries, and no form like Europe as the so-called "a people or a nation, a government". This policy if in Africa, MBT Shoes the result can only be implemented as India is same, originally crisscross together of different nationalities, have to the mass migration, will the same nationality people together. This method, one is made between countries the opposition and contradictions, 2 it is to lead to millions of people lost their homes. As Israeli and Palestinian same relationship, MBT Shoes Sale whether segregation or upholding the western civilizations in manufacturing is resolve contradictions. From Rwanda fugitive -85% refugees, like by Israel from their homes, like the Palestinian refugees living in neighboring countries, with surrounding countries -85% joint, and began to reign in Rwanda HuTuZu issued a challenge. Tomorrow then said.
The United States frequently the democracy as "universal value" everywhere, sometimes material incentives to sell, sometimes is force pushing. However, once the other people's democratic politics is bad for the us, MBT Sale the United States would rather not democratic this "universal value", and the choice of dictatorship. So, from the United States did, and we can see, democracy as "universal value" the important content, it can become truly "universal", the premise condition that must be good for America. Thus, we also know, democracy as "universal value" in America, there is relative, Mbt shoes clearance americans gave no democracy as absolute "universal value".

Many years ago, americans is so dry. We have said that the French revolution holds high "human rights" banner, to put a democracy, freedom, equality, these "universal value" spread to Europe, American don't like, it would rather like British people like that, the only allowed a few people have democracy, freedom, equality, so America for "universal value" climax, the French revolution, Mbt walking shoes and don't have much enthusiasm, also do not have how many practical support, watched helplessly as the French revolution failure, and finally let France becomes and Britain, like the United States, only a few wealthy people can enjoy democracy, freedom, equality, these "universal value".

We see that the genocide in Rwanda contradictory reasons

We see that the genocide in Rwanda contradictory reasons, it is Europe who invented racism, second is the europeans pride of science. However, it was not over. European who invented the class struggle theory, Mbt shoes clearance state sovereignty theory, nationalism and the democratic system, etc., in the subsequent history, to Rwanda genocide plays a important role. After the second world war, the colonial independence movement in the world blustery, Rwanda is no exception. In 1962, Rwanda, establishment of the republic, independently established of separation of "constitutional government" system, Shape Ups also introduced western universal suffrage system, become a fully conforms to western standards of democracy. But still, Rwanda and determination of the United Nations in the world is one of the most underdeveloped countries. Blind worship of western democracy, whether can from Rwanda suffering, see a little democratic truth?

Since the European settlers divided artificially racial and therefore, social contradictions, Rwanda and HuTuZu begins early -85% conflict.MBT ShoesWith the establishment of republic, with the practice of democracy, this conflict begins with the national policy of meaning. Rank the lowly HuTuZu 85% of the total population of the country, the democratic system. HuTuZu necessary for favorable Skechers Shape Ups Western democracies in Rwanda, DuoDangZhi naturally become racial opposition tools. An absolute majority of the population of hutu began using the democratic system, for once on high, large quantities of -85% executes persecution -85% people become refugees, exile abroad. Here, again say to the western civilization another product to Rwanda produce scruples.

Nationalism is the invention of the western modern times, but this invention has inner contradictions, for different countries, can lead to different consequences. Nationalism are also called nationalism, it and national sovereignty is closely linked. Shape Ups Shoes Western nationalism has a standard: a nation, a nation, a government. For some western countries, where this standard is acceptable, but, for Rwanda and surrounding countries, where this standard is in making new contradictions. We know that the modern African countries territory is not naturally formed, see Africa map, straight borderline are partitioned the product of western Africa. After being divided, western colonial results,Shape ups Skechers in the former colony after independence, and by the new independent country in western advocate of the concept of state sovereignty always accept according to the order. Hence, the national territory, colonial differentiate first establish national sovereignty, regardless of ethnic problems.

they also take the same method to maintain its rule

In southeast Asia, they also take the same method to maintain its rule. Nowadays, some south-east Asian countries for Chinese has entrenched hostility, the hostility of sources, it is that European settlers in southeast Asia's reign buried curse. MBT Shoes That year in southeast Asia, European settlers higher levels of Chinese culture will become their high quality labor and management helper, therefore, they don't hesitate to smuggle, trafficking in the coastal area of Chinese. On the other hand, the colonists and don't want too much, so they sinned against the locals in culture and Chinese culture and higher levels of the low level of the locals, oneself continuously produce contradiction between about balance.Skechers Shape Ups Such as the colonists were gone, they made the contradiction become long-term hard to defuse social problem. In Sri Lanka, sharp ethnic contradictions caused the so-called "terrorism", its roots also colonists sow dissension planted. In India, the colonists this sow dissension, manufacturing contradictory gimmick, eventually led to the three countries Shape Ups Shoes (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) and a enclaves (Kashmir) appear as the region long-term unrest unrest element. Western this gimmick another important achievement was to Israel, they use forcibly implanted Israel's way, in the Middle East made hard to resolve the long-term hatred.
Belgium use "science", will hutu, tutsi formal is divided into two RACES. Meanwhile, they also use the European system of modern civilization, this one ethnicity forever fixed, a system is id system. Each person's identity certificate in Rwanda, Shape ups Skechers indicated the race, and also to the offspring, the marker outspread, as long as identity system existing day, this race will exist forever divided. Meanwhile, as a result of "scientific" confirmed that the evolution of grade -85% than HuTuZu high, therefore, Belgium colonists, as in Germany and policy to -85% tilt more. Made of the population 15% -85% education opportunities to get more, Rwanda colonial period of government and society upper, Mbt shoes clearance are mostly minority -85% occupy -85%; also occupied more wealth. In contrast, British people see in Sri Lanka practices, the consequences of almost identical. That year bestow favor on in the colonists "nation", the colonists left, become persecution, revenge objects, like the Chinese in southeast Asia certain countries.

Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2011

China's realistic problems, if in a queue

In fact, China's realistic problems, if in a queue, slightly discrimination.meanwhile once can discover, the vast majority of the source of the problem with Chinese traditions, but because regardless Skechers of the specific conditions in China, optional copy foreign theories and methods of results. As the saying goes, hatred has a head debt has advocate, criticize China's realities should recognise source lies. By criticizing the traditional do charms, is a hero. Have the skill with you criticize traditional tone and manner, to you of corruption leadership talk to Skechers Shape Ups try? If because of fears and do not say, also can understand, but to vent dared not explicitly, mulberry scold huai ground injury and innocent, in a phrase common saying, belongs to the person isn't honest. Sweetie-pie also is very interesting, they affronted by treating traditional, Shape Ups Shoes but in the traditional aegis preserves his, incredibly wrong traditional embrace a little gratitude, really isn't honest.
Theory and practice often have a large gap, some only in theory understanding of western people, often their western theory of equivalent to practice, say, media reported the objectivity and justice, freedom of the press, etc. In fact, the American media in practice and its theoretical vary greatly, the gap between are not just operation process of the deviation, but people intentionally of. Shape ups Skechers Two examples simple clarification.

The United States has a very famous media magnate, named Henry Luce, marinus riwu (Henry - 1898-1967), he founded the United States the three most important magazine, "time", "wealth", "life", he founded and leave era companies are now because of time-warner, the largest global integrated media giants and occupies an important position in the world media. MBT Shoes People say, in the 1950s, Henry - marinus riwu and the influence of at least us secretary of state quite, President Eisenhower please him as ambassador, he refused because he wants to be a secretary of state. Ruth head titles include "educator", "propaganda home", "devout christians", "ideology expert", "western theorist", "conservative" and so on.MBT Shoes Sale "American news encyclopedia of praised him as a" real intellectual ", people even said, "his magazine influence exceeded whole American education system combined". British prime minister Winston Churchill once said, marinus riwu, is the most influential one of seven people. Because marinus riwu firstly proposed "the 20th century is the century", therefore, the 1950s, also called the "ten thousand.

Last two kinds of people there

Last two kinds of people there, because they can't really face reality, in reality careful calculation, weigh the individual gain and loss, therefore, the traditional become their the discontent scapegoat. Mbt shoes clearance The reason why I oppose this kind of practice, a main reason is that this practice often out of critical need not distort tradition, exaggerate the traditional so-called hazards. Thus in many on the traditional culture of don't know much about young people there, which leads to the traditional serious misunderstanding. Even these critics itself is the traditional as by tools, Skechers oneself on traditional culture also didn't really understand how much, just follow some popular attitudes, motivated to traditional culture buckle on puzzling hat.

There is a phenomenon may be as a circumstantial evidence. Traditional to China blackguarded the most serious, mostly in China, instead, leaving China live in overseas Chinese, even criticizing the traditional culture Skechers Shape Ups of harm, also won't adopt malice curse way. Maybe someone will say, that because they in a foreign country, as the body in domestic person so have practical experience. But I tend to think, that was because in overseas, and not need reoccupy pretense of criticizing the traditional culture to cover their true purpose.

Traditional culture is not perfect, but, Shape Ups Shoes utilitarianism criticizes Chinese tradition, and not much of a practice. Although some borrow fiercely criticize traditional and critique realistic man can be found for own behavior, but the objective cause by the objective cause as an excuse, do not let them high up, instead of exposed cowardice colors. They use traditional do talisman self-preservation, Shape ups Skechers on the one hand, causing them to strategy realistic critical inaccurate, difficult to suit the remedy to the case, it is difficult to achieve real purpose; On the other hand are likely to cause to public misleading.

YangJia assaulting case happens

YangJia assaulting case happens, some people out of abnormal psychology, the YangJia described as a "daoke", "YangDaXia", the mood is is not divided, regardless of good and evil belongs to. Shape ups Skechers Facing YangJia such crimes, any reason, have at least conscience, should hesitantly condemnation. Life is not heavy, YangJia caused serious consequences is inalienable truths. For this social every life, the law should take the most resolute attitude suggests that do not change position: the shot shrift. Met today a blackguarded Confucius blossom, MBT Shoes loudly say: you thought I was scold traditional? I really scold what do not see it than? He's very proud, probably feel technology processing means comparative brillant, but others YouYanWuZhu, must he himself noted. If a subdivision once, through criticizing traditional Chinese actually critique realistic, are not the same. Can be roughly divided into several types. The first kind, really think the reality in the certain problems and traditional culture relevant, therefore, MBT Shoes Sale in theory, to seek in traditional culture roots. Hold this view, the general attitude very gentle others.hold, comments criticizing among thering is no lack of insight. Even some opinions are not correct, also can see a sincerity. Most importantly, they won't deliberately evades realistic problem. Second, face the realities social problems can't but confessed, have to carry out traditional, indirectly blackguarded a needless tradition with reality, the realistic problems, matchups as traditional legacy. The emergence of this kind of phenomenon, MBT Sale there is fear of retaliation ingredients, while there are some factors of objective reality system reason, however, this kind of person anyway) aboveboard not a gentleman. The third kind, than the second one more swayed lost. They are likely to be the reality system, Mbt shoes clearance and the beneficiaries within the discontent, may be felt benefit is not enough. If publicly criticizing reality, afraid to lose reality system has given him the benefits and had to adopt traditional commonly used method, JieGuFengJin. In fact, this kind of practice is paradoxical, on one hand it in criticizing the traditional, on the other hand, they follow a traditional method. In

For YangJia crime the deep reason

For YangJia crime the deep reason, people have various kinds of analysis. I think, this kind of crime, should be based on the analysis of the reason in how to prevent crime, but should not orientation on the YangJia sympathy, also should not orientation on the dignity of law violation. Sympathy YangJia is ignore life. Whether people from crime psychology, MBT Shoes from sociology, from family education background, from personality traits each respects such as looking for YangJia the cause of the crime, you cannot change YangJia mutilated 6 the fact of life. It doesn't matter what the reason, face the consequences of YangJia we on him there can be no forgiveness. To death penalty YangJia, is to other life respect.Shape ups Skechers YangJia across a person the very bottom line, he must pay for his behaviour maximum price. YangJia intentional homicide, after the occurrence of the worth of the whole society has some reflections, the social from all walks of life there have been many people to this comment. In my opinion, YangJia case occurrence suggest that people thinking about a problem, not to abolish the death penalty.
The death penalty is on the murderer penalty, and to each of the members of the society life respect. Life is the most basic human rights, but also everyone the inviolability of supreme power. However, Shape Ups Shoes anyone can't will own life in others, the right of life over anyone must be life co-exist with others. In a society, each one's own life safeguard, must establish in not infringe upon the basis of life. Deprived of people's life, is the most serious for human rights abuses. Intentionally stripping others life, in law should be considered as a waiver of his own life. Death is the human rights abuses of the most severe punishment, is legal protection every life's ultimate commitment. Therefore, Skechers Shape Ups sentenced to death penalty, YangJia is inevitably result.
Domestic scholars have such a critical phenomenon: traditional Chinese people, must be the discontent person, Conversely, criticizing reality, not necessarily criticizes the Chinese tradition. This phenomenon is not complex, some people take Skechers Chinese traditional as a realistic scapegoat, they gave for the reality criticism, use a kind of concealment, implied gimmick, passed on to the traditional culture of head and say again see little that is mulberry scold

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For Rwanda speaking,...
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